Washington Monument through cherry blossoms.


Market your business through the NOW GUIDE and reach Washington DC Visitors when they arrive ... Get into their hands via our PRINTED GUIDES and VISITOR MAPS.

The OFFICIAL NOW DC GUIDE and OFFICIAL NOW DC MAP provide business and convention travelers, tourists, and international travelers with timely information to better enjoy their stay in the DC area. NOW Guides and NOW Maps are distributed to hotels, airports, visitor centers, train stations, attractions, welcome centers, concierges, conventions, and conferences. Our exclusive focus is on IN-MARKET VISITOR AND TOURISM.

The NOW VISITOR MAP was designed with the input of some of DC's top concierges ... our accordion, 8-panel design makes it both compact and easy to use.

4 OUT OF 5 VISITORS .... pick up guides or maps while in the DC area, and 3 OUT OF 4 VISITORS .... had their in-market plans influenced by guides or maps!

Annual Visitor Snapshot

  • 24 Million+ Visitors Per Year.
  • Every day, $4.2 million is spent on food and beverages.
  • $2 million dollars per day on shopping.
  • 30 thousand visitors stay in DC area hotels every night of the week.
  • 70% stay for 3 nights or more.
  • Visitors spend $250/night on accommodations.
  • 65% have an average HH income of 100K+.
  • More than 1 million attendees come to DC for conventions and events each year.
  • More than 800 conventions, tradeshows, and meetings hosted in DC annually.

Targeted Consumer: Conventioneers, International Visitors, Business Professionals. Families. Adventurers & More.

Lincoln Memorial with columns and stairs.
Abraham Lincoln statue at the Lincoln Memorial.


  • 143 Washington Area Hotels, including Arlington, Alexandria, and Maryland
  • Embassies, Dignitaries, US House of Rep's, DC Chamber of Commerce, Senate and Congressional Offices
  • The Washington Convention Center, welcome kits for convention attendees, Union Station, Pentagon City Mall
  • The Pentagon, NIH, The Ronald Reagan Building, White House Gifts, American River Taxi
  • Dulles, BWI, & Reagan Airport welcome centers
  • Classic Concierge, distributing in residential move-in welcome packets; commercial front offices and more
  • 50,000 annual unique predestination readers of the NOW Digital eGuide
  • Locally Sponsored Events